Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Multithreading - The Delphi Way
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Notes on Installation of Turbo C++ Explorer
When starting Turbo C++ Explorer, you may get an error message stating:
- acces violation at adress 51F515BE rtl100.bpl....
- error with coreide100.bpl
- designeide100.bpl
The workaround is running "regasm" from .NET v1.1 to register the missing .NET assemblies used by Turbo C++ Explorer IDE. Go to the C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Bin directory and run
regasm Borland.Studio.Toolsets.dll
Now you should start the IDE successfully. If you still see an error message box, saying that a ClassId is missing or similar errors, you can solve this by registering all possible assemblies manually.
To do this, navigate to the BDS \Bin directory in the command line and type "dir Borland.Studio.*.tlb" to list all relevant .tlb files. Then, run "regasm" on the corresponding .dll file for each.(see
OK, then you start a new project from the menu File->New..., if you are unlucky to get an exception Class not registered, ClassID {17CD2E5A-9D11-4BB4-8030-1092F6645714}, here is a way to fix it:
Save the fix_turbo_cpp.reg file into your hard disk, and double click it to import itself into the Registry.(thanks Tim Lichtenberg, see
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Delphi2006 editor shortcuts
CTRL+T : Delete current word
CTRL+E : Incremental search
CTRL+Y : Delete current line
CTRL+SHIFT+G : Insert a new GUID at the cursor position
CTRL+SHIFT+I : Indent the current selected block
CTRL+SHIFT+U : outdent the current selected block
CTRL+SHIFT+Y : delete to the end of line
CTRL+SHIFT+J : Invoke syncedit
ALT+[ : match pair forward
ALT+] : match pair backward
ALT+RightArrow : browse forward (hotlink history)
ALT+LeftArrow : browse backward (hotlink history)
ALT+UpArrow : browse to symbol under editor cursor (invoke a hotlink and add it to the hotlink history)
F4 : Run program to current cursor position
F5 : Toggle breakpoint
F7 : Debugger step into
F8 : Debugger step over
F9 : Run program under debugger
CTRL+F12 : View units
ALT+G : Goto line number in editor
CTRL+SHIFT+R : Start/Stop recording editor macro
CTRL+SHIFT+P : Play editor macro
CTRL+SPACE : Invoke code completion
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE : Invoke code parameter hints
CTRL+ENTER : Open file at cursor
CTRL+SHIFT+C : Invoke class completion for the class that currently contains the cursor
CTRL+SHIFT+UpArrow : Navigate to method implementation/declaration
CTRL+SHIFT+DownArrow : Navigate to method implementation/declaration
CTRL+ALT+UpArrow : Navigate to previous method implementation in lexical order
CTRL+ALT+DownArrow : Navigate to next method implementation in lexical order
CTRL+ALT+Home : Navigate to the lexically first method implementation in this source unit
CTRL+ALT+End : Navigate to the lexically last method implementation in this source unit
CTRL+/ : Toggle comment per line or selected block